Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Updates Have Been Few and Far Between

First off, as the self-appointed web administrator, I apologize for the delay in new postings. I promise to work harder to keep this site more up to date!!

A few things:
1. The revival was fabulous!! For those who couldn't make it to hear Pastor Robbie, you were missed. He shared with us very openly and honestly about Heaven, Hell, unity, and God's love. It was an amazing week of Word and Worship!!

2. The youth are busy, busy, busy!! Pumpkin Rolls are being ordered and made. Please see a youth if you're interested in placing an order. They are $8.00 each!

3. 17 youth and 5 counselors are leaving Friday for State Convention. Keep them in your prayers!!

4. We are getting excited for the Season!! There is a great Children's program and Christmas play in the works! The choir is practicing for their specials, as is the praise team!

5. Loaves and Fishes is having a Christmas Party on December 6th. See Carolyn Curry if you're interested in helping us provide desserts and gifts.

6. GAFFA!! Have you forgotten about this great food program?!? Renee, Tammy, and Cathy are taking orders! $30 for a BIG BOX OF FOOD!!

Please let me know if I've missed any other updates!

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